Saturday, December 13, 2008

No Fan

Looks like I still havent get any fans yet. Well I have wait more longer. Sorry for not posting anything for afew days. Well I have no idea what am I suppose to put. Tomorow Im going to aquaria in KLCC. Happy. Well Ill post more if I can. If I dont have any fan I will stop talking about my life.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Wonder what happen yesterday.....
I dunno what to say......
Just imagine yesterday never exist for me......
Oh ya....I sat on the sofa and fineshed a packet of chocolate with my brother. That was the most interesting event happened yesterday.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

here I am starting to talk about my life

Here I am, the worst blog editor. Haiz.... i just dont know what to update in my blog...i started with arsenal then i talked about my friends and lastly i added lyrics.....hmmm messy huh?
Well now i wont be. I got some coaching from my friends (well not my school friends) and im here to update my blog about my life. They say I will have fans if i created a blog talking about my life. If you enjoy reading about my life, we can make friend. Let me tell you about a day which I cant forget which happened on december 2nd. It was the day when my mum promised to bring us(my bro n me) out to midvalley. We drove there. What you think would have happen when it comes to diversion........ we losses the road. omg. So my mum planned to take a u-turn. She when into Kerinching. A long drive but we still cant find the u-turn. omg again. This obviously shows that we were lost. We asked the counter in the toll. Well, she manage to bring us to an u-turn. Then....diversion...we miss again. omg again. After turning into here and there, we finaly manage to stop at Bangsar. relief. We asked a stranger and manage to get to midvally. One thing for sure, I will never forget this day. ok guys this much for now. I will try my very best to update my blog every day...